2013 to 2016:
Practise as a Partner at Sydney CBD boutique firm McLaughlin & Riordan, managing a major commercial / government liability project including:
- Representation of 73 interested insulation industry businesses before the 2014 Royal Commission into the former Rudd Government’s Home Insulation Program (HIP)
- lobbying and conferring with the federal government regarding the implementation of the Royal Commissioner’s recommendations for compensation to the insulation industry
- securing of litigation funding for the investigation of and sign-up to a commercial class action against the Commonwealth in respect of the HIP
- provision of advice and representation to approximately 150 insulation industry businesses throughout
2009 to 2013:
Practise at the levels of Special Counsel and Partner at 2 Sydney mid-tier firms, McCabe Terrill and Hicksons:
- medical defence litigation (representing individual doctors, public and private hospitals and insurers)
- other professional and government liability defence litigation
- workplace relations in government organisations
- representation in Coronial Inquests
- representation of healthcare providers in Medicare investigations
2005 to 2012:
Independent work by Ministerial appointment as a Board member to the NSW and national registered healthcare provider regulatory authorities, including:
- policy formulation
- interpretation of legislation,
- regulation of disciplinary complaints and registration standards in areas such as conduct, advertising, accreditation, recency of practice, and mandatory notifications
2006 to 2007:
- work for an enterprise risk management consultancy firm
- industrial advocacy and workplace conduct management for a NSW government organisation,
1995 to 2005:
Practise mainly in plaintiff medical negligence law at 2 boutique Sydney firms, McCourt Charlton and as a Partner at McLaughlin & Riordan:
- plaintiff medical negligence litigation
- representation in health care disciplinary complaints process
- coronial inquests – The Late Caroline Anderson